This Week: The Trudeau Liberals pull a prank at the Conservative convention, and the media fell for it too. Then, the Libertarian party has picked it’s nominee for the 2016 election, but was Gary Johnson the right choice? Plus, what’s the REAL reason politicians favour a $15/hr minimum wage?
Articles and Links Mentioned:
Article: Conservative Convention 2016: Party Axes Policy Against Same-Sex Marriage
Article: Just Who Does Urz Heer Work For?
Article: Gary Johnson Wins Libertarian Nomination
Article: University SILENCES conservative speaker; it backfires IMMEDIATELY
Article: A 29-Year-Long Study Shows Cell Phones Don’t Cause Cancer
Article: Study Shows Michelle O’s Anti-Obesity Campaign Is Failing To Make Kids Any Less Obese
Article: New Child Benefit Could Pose Pitfalls For Divorced Couples
Article: Gov. Brown Admits $15 Minimum Wage Does Not Make Economic Sense, Approves It Anyway
Article: Children’s Aid Societies Not Always Making Abuse Checks, Auditor Finds