This Week: Ontario’s New Democrats propose to bring in universal dental care if elected… but will such a plan work in Canada? Plus, oh that Doug Ford… is he in favour of privatizing pot sales or not? Then, even Canada’s equal pay coalition admits that the gender wage gap statistics are bogus.
Author:Paulie Sci
EP 086 – The Florida Shooting, The Olympics, and Cassette Tapes
This Week: The democrats introduce the assault weapons ban of 2018; let’s be honest, this is pretty much a ban on ALL firearms. Then, some want the CRTC to ban piracy websites; I think the government may have a place here. Plus, nine things you may have missed in last week’s federal budget.
Another Earth Hour Has Come And Gone… But Did Anyone Notice?
Is it me or does this event become more of a non-event every year?
EP 085 – Electoral Reform, Scalper Bots, and Socialism
This Week: Is the federal government backtracking on a major election promise? Some indications point to yes. Then, Ontario is pushing to ban scalper bots, I’ll tell you why this plan won’t work. Plus, is the US election rigged?
EP 084 – Minimum Wage, Electoral Reform, and The Canadian Healthcare System
This Week: Conflict of interest in Ontario… should the government be deciding who gets to take water from a well? Then, my experience at our local electoral reform meeting. Plus, Trump is right about one thing… the Canadian healthcare system is sub par.
EP 083 – Private Healthcare, Hillary’s Health, and Trusting Government
This Week: A Poll claims Canadians trust in Government is on the rise, this poll is complete bogus and I’ll tell you why. Then, Private healthcare in B.C.? It may be happening. Plus, want to know who will the U.S. presidency?… just look to the stock market.
EP 082 – Home Inspectors, Minimum Wage, and Climate Change
This Week: Inspecting the inspectors, will Ontario’s push to regulate home inspectors REALLY protect consumers? Then, marijuana legislation is starting to take shape, and it isn’t pretty. Plus, Don’t call it a comeback it’s been here for years, global COOLING is on the horizon.
EP 081 – US Election Debates, Government Grants to Business, and Media
This Week: You can now order alcohol online from the Ontario Government, but more efficient private sector alternatives have been in place for years. Then, Does Government funding REALLY help small business? Plus, Hilary Clinton is going to raise taxes on the middle class, yup… that’s what she said!
EP 080 – Thoughts On The Republican and Democratic Conventions
This Week: We offer our thoughts on the recent Republican And Democratic Conventions
EP 079 – Electoral Reform, Political Plagiarism, and Money In Politics
This Week: Still no sign of these electoral town halls, now the government says… meh just organize it yourself. Plus, Did Melania Trump plagiarize a speech, I’ll give you my take. Then, 40% of Canadians say they’re not saving enough for retirement, why is this?