This Week: We present audio of a recent debate on electoral reform.
Author:Paulie Sci
EP 077 – The Brexit Vote, Toll Lanes, and Solar Energy
This Week: The Brexit vote, why this is a victory for freedom. Then, StatsCan says It’s trying to save your life, I say it’s an excuse for bigger government. Plus, our thoughts on last week’s CNN town hall with Gary Johnson.
EP 076 – CPP Reform, Guaranteed Basic Income, and Political Buzz Words
This Week: The feds and provinces are working on CPP reform, can we just admit that the CPP is a pyramid scheme already? Then, Switzerland’s voters reject a plan for a guaranteed basic income, this is an example everyone should follow. Plus, Some words of wisdom from the great George Carlin.
EP 075 – The Orlando Shooting, Electoral Reform, And Trump
This Week: Another mass shooting in America, we’ll shoot down some anti-gun myths. Then the Government shuffles the chairs on their electoral reform committee, but the Liberals STILL have a majority of seats. Plus, Cheri DiNovo will be next leader of the federal NDP, we’ll tell you how we know.
EP 074 – #CPC16, Childhood Obesity, And Social Justice Warriors
This Week: The Trudeau Liberals pull a prank at the Conservative convention, and the media fell for it too. Then, the Libertarian party has picked it’s nominee for the 2016 election, but was Gary Johnson the right choice? Plus, what’s the REAL reason politicians favour a $15/hr minimum wage?
EP 073 – Electoral Reform, TV Regulation, and #PrayForSophie
This Week: The federal government is moving ahead with electoral reform, will they consult with Canadians? Then, the largest annual protest in Ottawa gets zero news coverage, why is this? Plus, the Atlanta Falcons are privatizing their stadium concessions, and the results are fabulous.
EP 072 – Fort McMurray Fires, The Census, and Canadian Culture
This Week: It’s shaping up to be a Trump-Hilary battle, fortunately third party options are growing. Then, roadside breathalyzer tests come under fire in Ontario, when will police be held to a higher standard? Plus, is Canada the best country in the world? We’ll have some fun debunking some tweets.
EP 071 – Manitoba Election, Earth Day, and Marijuana Legislation
This Week: The NDP are out in Manitoba, we’ll run down the numbers. Then, Marijuana will become legal… a year from now, why not right now? Plus, hydro prices are gong in on Ontario… you won’t believe why.
EP 070 – North Carolina LGBT Law Boycott, Government Spying, And Privileged Politicians
This Week: Is your local government spying on you? They are in at least one Ontario city. Then, the North Carolina boycott list is growing, I’ll tell you why some of these boycotters are hypocrites. Plus, want a sneak peak of the the Game of Thrones? Just ask President Obama… he has a copy.
EP 069 – The NDP Convention, UBER, and The U.S. Election
This Week: The NDP are ousting leader Tom Mulcair, I’ll tell you why this is a huge mistake. Then, According a new poll, Canadians don’t think the rich are paying their fair share, but were the pollsters even asking the right questions? Plus, Trump might not be the Republican nominee, an idea that was unthinkable just a few weeks ago.