This Week: A city council in Ontario doesn’t want to hear from taxpayers, unfortunately this looks like a growing trend. Then, we’ll analyze last week’s nationally Televised libertarian debate. Plus, get out that eraser, we are going to re-write some news headlines.
Author:Paulie Sci
EP 067 – The Federal Budget, Ontario’s Sunshine List, and Sports Betting
This Week: Trudeau’s first budget is out, we run down the winners and the losers. Then, 3,700 Hydro One employees no longer included on Ontario’s Sunshine list, did the list get bigger or smaller? Plus, the Ghomeshi trial, we MIGHT have believed the women… had they not lied under oath.
EP 066 – Buying Local, Electoral Reform, and Amber Alerts
This Week: We’ve got the numbers for Earth Hour, and the future is looking dim. Then, Ketchup-Gate has taken the country by storm, is buying local really better for the economy? Plus, the Amber Alert system in this country needs some improvement.
Canada’s Alert Ready System Needs Improvement
This past weekend in Ontario, we had an Amber Alert issued. And although the child was found safe and sound, there are some things that need major improvements.
EP 065 – NDP Leadership Review, Distracted Driving, and Government Healthcare
This Week: The OPP claim that distracted driving is the number one killer on our roads, but the REAL # 1 killer is something that no one ever talks about. Then, Sweden is upgrading to private healthcare, is it time for Canada to do the same? Plus, we have a list of weird Canadian laws you might be breaking.
EP 064 – International Women’s Day, Carbon Taxes, and Pick And Pay TV
This Week: It’s international Women’s Day, this gender wage gap myth needs a smackdown. Then, the Ontario PC party now favours a carbon tax, congratulations you just lost the next election. Plus, we hear that obesity is a problem… but is it really?
EP 063 – The Legacy of Harry Browne
This Week: We pay tribute to 2 time presidential candidate Harry Browne.
EP 062 – Broken Promises, Climate Science, and Celebrity Endorsements
This Week: We’ve been told that the science is settled, now that statement comes back to bite scientists in Australia. Then, your local MP wants Friday’s off, will their salary be reduced too? I doubt it. Celebrity political endorsements are starting to come in. Is this a smart move or career suicide?
EP 061 – FACS Fraud, The Free State Project, and Pay Equity
This Week: Hundreds of adoptions in Ontario have been put on hold, why aren’t we hearing the whole story? Then, should a fast food worker earn as much as a doctor? Some people think so. Plus, why next year’s Super Bowl will include all the commercials.
EP 060 – Election Fraud, The Flint Water Crisis, And Superbowl Prop Bets
This Week: Did the Liberals win the October election Illegally? More details are starting to emerge. Plus, The flint water crisis, why are we rewarding bad behavior? And we take a look at this year’s Superbowl prop bets.