This Week: Canada’s push to legalize marijuana has hit a road block, I’ll give you the dubious details. Then, that speeding ticket you once got might not be legitimate, I’ll tell you why. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio rips the greedy oil industry, let’s take a look at his lavish lifestyle shall we?
Author:Paulie Sci
EP 058 – Crony Capitalism, Bitcoin News, and Global Warming
This Week: More questionable data from the global warming movement, why the temperature record can’t be trusted. Then, A new energy efficient light bulb has been created, I’ll tell you why we won’t be seeing it on store shelves anytime soon. Plus, who are the worst polluters in society? You guessed it… Government.
EP 057 – Cable TV Changes, Gun Registries, and Poverty
This Week: More choice coming to your cable TV dial, but one group isn’t happy about it. Then, Do firearm registries work? They don’t in the state of Maryland. Then, the worlds poor say… we want capitalism.
EP 056 – Price Gauging, Electoral Reform, And Trampolines
This Week: Uber surge pricing upsets some on New Years eve, news flash… It’s called supply and demand. Then, the electoral reform issue is heating up, why a referendum is absolutely necessary. Plus, Hillary Clinton says she’ll close all public schools… yup she said it.
The Best Of 2015 – Part 2
This Week: We continue our look back at some of our favourite moments on the show. It’s the Best of 2015 Part 2
The Best Of 2015 – Part 1
This Week: We take a look back at some of our favourite moments. It’s the Best of 2015 Part 1
EP 055 – Paris Climate Talks, Sneaky Politicians, And Donald Trump
This Week: We discuss the Paris climate talks, is this just an excuse for politicians to have a lavish vacation? Then, Obama’s history of strategically planned government announcements, you’re not fooling anybody Mr. President. Plus, Is Donald Trump a Fascist?
EP 054 – Cable TV Freedom, Carbon Taxes, And Crony Capitalism
This Week: Is the federal Government planning on introducing a carbon tax? The devil is in the details, Then, why being able to pick your cable TV channels isn’t all is cracked up to be. Plus, What is the REAL reason Obama rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline? I don’t know for sure but I have a theory.
EP 053 – The Paris Attacks, The 2nd Democratic Debate, And legalizing Pot
This Week: It’s THE big story of the week… you know which one I’m talking about. Then, we’ll analyze the debate that nobody watched… luckily, I did. Plus, If you’re putting a french flag on your Facebook profile… stop, just stop.
EP 052 – Gender Equality, Climate Change, And Progressive Hypocrites
This Week: The new Government in Ottawa waists no time creating controversy, I don’t even know where to begin. Then, pizza may become extinct… I’ll tell you why. Plus, gather round kids, I’ll tell you the story about the hydro lines to nowhere.