This Episode: We revisit the very first episode we ever did.
Author:Paulie Sci
EP 185 – How NOT To Debate a Political Opponent
This Episode: Trudeau announces an “Independent” investigation into foreign election interference, but how independent will it actually be? Then, Bill C-18 is in the works, should online news sites be compensated when their articles appear in search engines? Plus, Tickets here, get your tickets here… or not. Should ticketmaster be broken up?
EP 184 – Who Watches The Watchers?
This Episode: Happy New Year! Here are the ways the state will get bigger in 2023. Then, the Kraken subvariant makes it’s debut, and the media is leaving out one very important detail. Plus, a London woman sues a concert venue for over-serving her alcohol, at what point does personal responsibility begin?
EP 183 – Privileged Politicians
This Episode: Justin Trudeau testifies at the emergencies act inquiry, and boy was it cringy. Then, Chrystia Freeland admits she’s an elite, finally we get some truth. Plus, a poll suggests that a majority of Canadians support mask mandates, but the real world evidence suggests otherwise.
EP 182 – The False Illusion of ‘Sanctuary Cities’
This Episode: Polls show that federal support is waning for the Liberal Party, but you wouldn’t know that by reading the headline. Then, the federal government announces a review of the cannabis act, has the legalization of marijuana achieved its original stated goals? Plus, progressives declare ‘sanctuary cities’ but then turn immigrants away when they show up, we’ll explore this huge hypocrisy.
EP 181 – Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theory, Is Today’s Reality
This Episode: Lisa LaFlamme is out at CTV News, was this ageism, sexism… or something else? Then, Toronto’s top housing official says Landlords shouldn’t be allowed to raise rents between tenants, will this benefit renters? Plus, we talk about the academic practice of peer review, is it all it’s cracked up to be?
EP 180 – What’s Behind These Rising Prices?
This Episode: Voter turnout in Ontario’s election at an all-time low… what’s the reason for this? Then, Freedom convoy protesters return to Ottawa on Canada Day, and the media smear job was out in full force. Plus, Is it really oil costs that are responsible for rising prices across the board?
EP 179 – The Ontario Leaders Debate
This Episode: Real Time analysis of the Ontario leaders debate.
EP 178 – What REALLY Causes Inflation?
This Episode: The Federal NDP agrees to prop up the Liberals for the next three years, but how long will this agreement really last? Then, a majority of Canadians support defunding the CBC, will it ever actually happen? Plus, the annual sunshine list is out in Ontario, does this list inadvertently cause more government spending?
Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine? |177
This Episode: We take a look into what led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Then, The federal emergencies act is gone almost as quickly as it was implemented, but was it even necessary in the first place? Plus, How many lives did the pandemic lockdowns save? A new study has some dismal conclusions.