This Week: Raptors playoff tickets prices have gone sky high, is this greed or just the market at work? Then, the Ontario government wants to cancel the Beer Store contract, is this a good idea? Plus, Apple iTunes is no more, we pay tribute to this game changing software.
Author:Paulie Sci
EP 134 – Government ‘Cuts’, Airplanes, and Trump Derangement Syndrome
This Week: The federal government will create a list of “approved” media outlets, will this lead to self-censorship? Then, the abortion debate is back in the news, why “my body, my choice” is not a good argument. Plus, how much are you paying for the PM’s lavish food lifestyle?
EP 133 – Abortion, Amber Alerts, and Uber
This Week: The federal government will create a list of “approved” media outlets, will this lead to self-censorship? Then, the abortion debate is back in the news, why “my body, my choice” is not a good argument. Plus, how much are you paying for the PM’s lavish food lifestyle?
EP 132 – Electoral Reform, Guns, and Bernie Sanders
This Week: Another failed electoral reform referendum in PEI, can we put this issue on the back burner for a while? Then, a gun buyback program has been launched by Toronto police, have gun buyback programs been effective elsewhere? Plus, is Bernie Sanders about to drop out of the 2020 presidential race?
EP 131 – The Alberta Election, Pilot Projects, and Government ‘Cuts’
This Week: Alberta once again has a conservative government, what does this mean for the upcoming federal election? Then, is Ontario’s ‘Student Choice Initiative’ actually taking choice AWAY from students? Some think so. Plus, we’ll talk about the ‘National Monument Syndrome’, it’s a concept we should all be aware of.
EP 130 – The Ontario Budget, Taxes, and Equal Pay Day
This Week: The Ontario budget has been released and it’s cut cut cut, or at least SOME would have you believe. Then, it’s equal pay day, what does ‘equal pay for equal work’ REALLY mean? Plus, is Toronto close to getting an NFL team?
EP 129 – SNC-Lavalin, Organ Donations, and Student Protests
This Week: Jody Wilson Raybold has been booted from caucus, can things get any worse for the Federal government? Then, Nova Scotia wants to declare everyone an automatic organ donor, will this actually increase the number of donors? Plus, we have some fun with some potential Ontario licence plate slogans.
EP 128 – The Mueller Report, SNC-Lavalin, and Breathalyzer Tests
This Week: The Mueller report says no collusion, but journalists won’t give up that easily. Then, Ontario’s sunshine list is out, how did the new government do in reeling in those public sector salaries? Plus, put a fork in the socket of earth hour, this thing is officially DEAD.
EP 127 – Amber Alerts, Pay Equity, and Self-Checkouts
This Week: The federal budget has been released, and it’s politics as usual. Then, the Ontario government is investing in horse racing programs, we’ll explain the real reason for this move. Plus, a report suggests women in Canada earn 25% less than men, but he actual pay gap is much less than that.
EP 126 – SNC-Lavalin Affair, Carbon Taxes, and Beer
This Week: The federal government is accused of covering up the SNC-Lavalin affair, but not much is being covered up. Then, Ontario is looking at banning single use plastics, and as usual, the government is too slow to react. And in Illinois, Minimum wage goes up, and jobs go down.