I used to have faith in an honest media, but a three-week span… changed everything.
Suicide prevention hotline given green light in US
A new suicide prevention hotline has been approved in the US… but there’s just one small problem
The Misplaced Fear Of Guns
Every time there’s a mass shooting, you can bet there will be a call for tougher gun laws. Alongside these the outrage, are a bunch of mistruths about guns. And the truth is, the real debate surrounding guns is not pro-gun vs. anti-gun… it’s pro-gun vs. the uninformed.
The PPC Cost The Conservatives Seven Seats
Think the People’s Party had zero impact on the 2019 federal election? Think again. Some estimate that the PPC cost the Conservatives up to 7 seats. Of course, this isn’t enough to have changed the outcome of the overall election. but is mildly interesting.
Let Max Speak
We all know there is an election coming up in October, and the controversy has already begun. The two national televised debates have been set, but one federal party leader hasn’t been invited… Maxime Bernier.
Another Earth Hour Has Come And Gone… But Did Anyone Notice?
Is it me or does this event become more of a non-event every year?
Canada’s Alert Ready System Needs Improvement
This past weekend in Ontario, we had an Amber Alert issued. And although the child was found safe and sound, there are some things that need major improvements.
Politicians Missing a Huge Opportunity To Reach Young Voters
We all know about Stephen Harper’s policy of only taking 5 questions from the media during his election campaign stops. As it turns out, the 5 questions aren’t just random pickings.
The “Power Wall” Smoking Ban Has Failed
In may of 2008, the province of Ontario along with many other provinces banned the display of cigarettes in convenience stores. A report out last year shows no change in the smoking trend of Ontarians.
A Letter To My MPP
A few weeks ago, I did something that I’ve never done before. I wrote a letter to my MPP. I was worried that a carbon tax would be introduced in the upcoming budget and I was concerned about that.