This Week: The Conservatives are in danger of not balancing the budget, but I have a quick and easy solution. Then, why banning things almost never works. Plus, minimum wage workers in Seattle are demanding FEWER hours, you won’t believe why.
Articles and Links Mentioned:
Article: Lafayette, Louisiana Theater Is A ‘Gun-Free Zone’
Article: BoC Forecast Pushes Feds To $1B Deficit: PBO
Article: Senate Calls On CBC To Disclose Salaries
Article: Harper Government Aims To Recollect Almost $400M In Fraudulent EI Claims
Article: Google Self-Driving Car Involved In First Injury Accident
Article: Study: Bans On Bottled Water Are Dumb And Don’t Work
Article: $15 Minimum Wage Campaigners Frustrated, Now Demanding Fewer Hours. Guess Why?