This Week: The results are in, but did the Liberals get some help from unexpected places? Then, a year after the shootings, security changes are finally coming at Parliament hill. A year? yeah, that’s what I said. Plus, those ‘tolerant millennials’, it turns out, they’re not so tolerant.
Articles and Links Mentioned:
Article: Surprise! Pollsters Got It Right
Article: CTV’s Craig Oliver’s Live Election Night Anti-Harper Meltdown
Article: Justin Trudeau To Appoint Gender Balanced Cabinet
Article: Seniors In Private Nursing Homes More Likely To Die Within 6 Months: Study
Article: Big Rig Drivers Face Stricter Training
Article: New Hands-Free Technologies Pose Hidden Dangers for Drivers
Article: Parliament Hill Security to Change, Says Top Mountie
Article: Student Sues Her School Over Denying Conservative Club On Campus
Article: Rogers Profits Jump 40 Per cent As Wireless Operations, Blue Jays Drive Growth
Article: New Data Show Feds Are Paid 78 Percent More Than Rest Of U.S. Workers