This Week: The federal government is moving ahead with electoral reform, will they consult with Canadians? Then, the largest annual protest in Ottawa gets zero news coverage, why is this? Plus, the Atlanta Falcons are privatizing their stadium concessions, and the results are fabulous.
Articles and Links Mentioned:
Article: Sophie Trudeau Faces Backlash After Revealing She Needs More Staff
Article: Trudeau Government Moves To Create Committee On Electoral Reform
Article: Poll: 73% of Canadians Want National Referendum on Electoral Reform
Article: Maxime Bernier Officially Launches Bid for Tory Leadership
Article: Thousands Take Over Downtown Ottawa For National March For Life
Article: Ottawa Examines Proposal To Give Workers Right To Seek Flex Time
Article: As Complaints Pile Up, CRTC Launches Surprise Review Of $25 Basic TV Packages
Article: Here’s How Cheap The Atlanta Falcons Will Sell Hotdogs And Beer For After Moving To A Stadium Not Run By The State