This Week: Is the federal government backtracking on a major election promise? Some indications point to yes. Then, Ontario is pushing to ban scalper bots, I’ll tell you why this plan won’t work. Plus, is the US election rigged?
Articles and Links Mentioned:
Article: Trudeau Taking Heat For Walking Back On Electoral Reform
Article: ‘Scalper Bots’ That Scoop Up Concert Tickets To Be Outlawed In Ontario
Article: US Presidential Debate: Trump Won’t Commit To Accept Election Result
Article: Internet Price Hikes Could Be Coming As Ottawa Reviews Cultural Policy, Critics Warn
Article: Local TV News Coverage More Important Than Station Finances, Says CRTC Chair
Article: Venezuelan Government: No Food (What’s Left Of It) For Those Who Criticize Us
Article: Progress Report On Justin Trudeau’s Election Campaign Promises, One Year Later