This Week: Trump’s trade demands pin Canada’s auto sector and dairy industries against each other, who will Justin Trudeau side with? Then, California wants to mandate a woman on every company board, does this help or hurt the women’s movement? Plus, turns out money really does buy happiness.
Articles And Links Mentioned:
Article: Canada to rejoin NAFTA talks after US, Mexico agree to overhaul trade pact
Article: John McCain, senator and former presidential candidate, dies at 81
Article: California wants to mandate a woman on every company board
Article: North American diets require more land than we have: Study
Article: No, 48 Million Americans Are Not Going Hungry
Article: B.C. government launches lawsuit against opioid manufacturers to recoup overdose crisis costs
Article: Health minister moves to make U.S. EpiPen alternative available in Canada
Article: Ontario elementary school math scores down slightly in EQAO testing
Article: Ontario judge rules in favour of Tesla’s push for equal treatment in rebates
Article: Bernier’s closest caucus ally, Alex Nuttall, won’t join his new party
Article: Money Really Does Buy Happiness