This Week: The Mueller report says no collusion, but journalists won’t give up that easily. Then, Ontario’s sunshine list is out, how did the new government do in reeling in those public sector salaries? Plus, put a fork in the socket of earth hour, this thing is officially DEAD.
Articles And Links Mentioned:
Article: Mueller report: Trump cleared of conspiring with Russia
Article: New audio of phone call reveals Jody Wilson-Raybould’s warning about SNC-Lavalin prosecution
Article: Butts hands over texts to Justice Committee in wake of Wilson-Raybould’s evidence
Article: Participation so low, BC Hydro isn’t tracking Earth Hour anymore
Article: Vancouver law firm testing the accuracy of breathalyzer tests
Article: Guelph Police No Longer Publishing Names of Accused
Article: Head of Ontario Power Generation tops province’s annual Sunshine List
Article: Ontario’s basic income recipients prepare for program’s early end
Article: Ford government contemplating change to licence plate slogan
Article: Beer, wine coming to corner stores: Fedeli
Article: Prosecutors drop all charges against Jussie Smollett