This Week: Another failed electoral reform referendum in PEI, can we put this issue on the back burner for a while? Then, a gun buyback program has been launched by Toronto police, have gun buyback programs been effective elsewhere? Plus, is Bernie Sanders about to drop out of the 2020 presidential race?
Articles And Links Mentioned:
Article: Prince Edward Island election results: voters elect PC minority
Article: Prince Edward Island voters say ‘no’ to electoral reform referendum by slim majority
Article: Next Ontario election should be held on school holiday or weekend: Chief electoral officer
Article: Ontario government proposes ending OHIP coverage for travel outside Canada
Article: Ontario cancels program aimed to plant 50 million trees
Article: Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020
Article: Canada unveils LGBTQ loonie — but some gay rights advocates are not impressed
Article: Gun buyback program launched by Toronto police to combat firearm violence
Article: Cities Rethink Gun Buyback Programs
Article: Should cops ditch their guns? New Zealand sets example some think Canada should follow
Article: NYC To Ban Hot Dogs and Processed Meats To Improve Climate