This Week: The Ontario government lost $42 million selling cannabis in the last year, how is this possible? Then, the results are in on a UBI experiment in California, how do you think people spent the money? Plus, should broadband internet be considered an essential service?
Articles And Links Mentioned:
Article: Fiscal restraint? Doug Ford’s Ontario government spent billions more than Wynne had planned in 2018-19
Article: Make broadband an essential service, rural community leader urges province
Article: The Ontario government lost $42M selling cannabis in the last year
Article: Nestlé, Tim Hortons named Canada’s top plastic polluters again
Article: ‘The world is so unsafe’: Environmental activists pledge not to have kids
Article: Poll: 73 percent of conservative college students withhold their views in class
Article: Trump administration moves to ban flavored e-cigarette
Article: Vitamin E oil thickeners explored as vaping lung disease cause
Article: US military will no longer use floppy disks to coordinate nuke launches
Article: $500 a month for free: Data show how people spent the money
Article: San Francisco Public Library Eliminates All Overdue Fines