This Episode: More cuts at big media companies, did they do it to themselves? Then, 6 feet of social distancing… they made it up. Plus, what do Canadians think of state run healthcare? Turns out… not much.
Articles And Links Mentioned:
Article: Bell Media ends some CTV newscasts, sells radio stations in media shakeup amid layoffs
Article: Only 13% of people in BC have high trust in media, StatCan claims
Article: Invoking Emergencies Act wasn’t justified and infringed on Charter rights, Federal Court rules
Article: COVID ‘6-feet’ social distancing ‘sort of just appeared,’ likely lacked scientific basis, Fauci admits
Article: ArriveCan app so poorly managed auditor general can only guess the cost
Article: Calls for Ontario to open up 407 to trucks
Article: Ontario expanding number of private clinics that can perform OHIP surgeries
Article: Canadians worry about quality of health care, have little faith it will improve: poll
Article: NFL has ‘decided to rip off fans’ with playoff game streaming on Peacock, congressman says
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Article: Federal government announces 2-year cap on student permits
Article: Who will adapt? UW research shows air quality alerts will quadruple in 76 years
Article: More than 10,000 impaired driving charges laid in Ontario this year: OPP
Article: Toronto conservation agency buys chunk of Ontario peninsula to protect against development