This Week: Another mass shooting in America, we’ll shoot down some anti-gun myths. Then the Government shuffles the chairs on their electoral reform committee, but the Liberals STILL have a majority of seats. Plus, Cheri DiNovo will be next leader of the federal NDP, we’ll tell you how we know.
EP 073 – Electoral Reform, TV Regulation, and #PrayForSophie
This Week: The federal government is moving ahead with electoral reform, will they consult with Canadians? Then, the largest annual protest in Ottawa gets zero news coverage, why is this? Plus, the Atlanta Falcons are privatizing their stadium concessions, and the results are fabulous.
EP 066 – Buying Local, Electoral Reform, and Amber Alerts
This Week: We’ve got the numbers for Earth Hour, and the future is looking dim. Then, Ketchup-Gate has taken the country by storm, is buying local really better for the economy? Plus, the Amber Alert system in this country needs some improvement.
EP 064 – International Women’s Day, Carbon Taxes, and Pick And Pay TV
This Week: It’s international Women’s Day, this gender wage gap myth needs a smackdown. Then, the Ontario PC party now favours a carbon tax, congratulations you just lost the next election. Plus, we hear that obesity is a problem… but is it really?
EP 061 – FACS Fraud, The Free State Project, and Pay Equity
This Week: Hundreds of adoptions in Ontario have been put on hold, why aren’t we hearing the whole story? Then, should a fast food worker earn as much as a doctor? Some people think so. Plus, why next year’s Super Bowl will include all the commercials.
EP 057 – Cable TV Changes, Gun Registries, and Poverty
This Week: More choice coming to your cable TV dial, but one group isn’t happy about it. Then, Do firearm registries work? They don’t in the state of Maryland. Then, the worlds poor say… we want capitalism.
EP 054 – Cable TV Freedom, Carbon Taxes, And Crony Capitalism
This Week: Is the federal Government planning on introducing a carbon tax? The devil is in the details, Then, why being able to pick your cable TV channels isn’t all is cracked up to be. Plus, What is the REAL reason Obama rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline? I don’t know for sure but I have a theory.
EP 027 – CRTC Regulations, The Pan Am Games, And Uber
This Week: Do not adjust your TV screens, you’re not the only one who missed part of Letterman’s final show, another reason why signal substitution needs to go. Then, Remember Ron Paul being ignored by the news media in 2012? Looks like his son is now suffering the same fate for 2016. Plus, I’ll tell you how to jump off the CN tower and not get arrested.
EP 017 – Fast Food Bans, The Minimum Wage, and The CRTC
This Week: The CRTC makes sweeping changes to your TV screen… what is this skinny package all about anyway? Then, Fast food bans… do they work? Plus, Which political party do union members support? The answer may surprise you.
EP 016 – Climate Change, Liquor Laws, and MP Salaries
This Week: Beer at private retailers in Ontario? Yes, but only if you are the chosen ones. Then, MP’s get a pay hike while you’re left out in the cold. Plus, The epic climate change debate happened yesterday, we’ll review.