This Episode: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau steps down, is it too little, too late? Then, Ontarians are going to the polls early, is this political opportunism? Plus, how much are you really saving under the federal Government’s so-called GST Holiday?
Tag:Ontario Election
EP 183 – Privileged Politicians
This Episode: Justin Trudeau testifies at the emergencies act inquiry, and boy was it cringy. Then, Chrystia Freeland admits she’s an elite, finally we get some truth. Plus, a poll suggests that a majority of Canadians support mask mandates, but the real world evidence suggests otherwise.
EP 180 – What’s Behind These Rising Prices?
This Episode: Voter turnout in Ontario’s election at an all-time low… what’s the reason for this? Then, Freedom convoy protesters return to Ottawa on Canada Day, and the media smear job was out in full force. Plus, Is it really oil costs that are responsible for rising prices across the board?
EP 179 – The Ontario Leaders Debate
This Episode: Real Time analysis of the Ontario leaders debate.
EP 178 – What REALLY Causes Inflation?
This Episode: The Federal NDP agrees to prop up the Liberals for the next three years, but how long will this agreement really last? Then, a majority of Canadians support defunding the CBC, will it ever actually happen? Plus, the annual sunshine list is out in Ontario, does this list inadvertently cause more government spending?
EP 098 – The Election, Climate Change, and Wedding Cakes
This Week: The PC’s win a majority, what’s next for the province of Ontario? Then, alarmists claim that deadly hurricanes have doubled due to climate change, but the real reason is a lot simpler. Plus, declining your ballot isn’t the protest you think it is.
EP 097 – The Election, Free Trade, and Libertarians
This Week: The Liberals give up the on the race, the NDP do an about face and the conservatives are still in first place.
EP 096 – The Election, The Debate, and Coffee
This Week: Debate analysis… we’ve got your debate analysis. Then, Polls have the NDP winning the popular vote… but will this translate winning enough seats? Plus, you think your coffee habit is expensive… wait till you hear the federal governments latest expense on java.
EP 095 – The Election, Amber Alerts, and Music
This Week: Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives would allow beer and wine in corner stores if elected, is the a good idea? Then, a women’s advocacy group wants to control the music you listen to, who died and put them in charge? Plus, want lower taxes and service cuts… vote for the NDP?
EP 094 – The Debate, Distracted Driving, and Government Handouts
This Week: The first Ontario leaders debate is in the books, we have the highlights… and the lowlights. Then, a new scalper bot law is coming soon, will this measure put an end to online ticket gauging? Plus, did you get that emergency alert on your phone this week? No… you’re not the only one.